
Fat is a Feminist Issue - Susie Orbach


Susie Orbach's seminal work, now established as a worldwide classic, shows how fat is not about food, but rather about politics, defiance, protection, sex, strength, assertion, anger, love.

This edition includes a new introduction by Susie Orbach that explores how the landscape of bodies and food has shifted in our online age, bringing this iconic book to a new generation of readers.

Updated throughout, it includes a frank new introduction by Susie Orbach that brings this book to a new generation of readers whilst offering a current perspective for its original fans. With an increasingly dominant diet industry, costing the consumer millions of pounds each year, Susie Orbach's best-selling classic is as important as ever in helping women to love their own body and face the demands of 21st-century living with confidence.

Publisher: Arrow

Published: May 2023

Format: Paperback

Pages: 400

Dimensions: 12.9 x 2.5 x 19.8 cm

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